WELCOME to Kate Eskesen's Blog on Designing Instruction for the 21st Century

As Instructional Designers we are learning that the internet can be used in many more ways than first imagined. This blog is an experiment in using it to share thoughts and resources with classmates in my Learning Theories and Instruction class.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


1 comment:

  1. My MindMap simply will not fit on this page and still be readable. So here is a link to the map in Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BysMHQLEvhxQZDYxYTJjYjEtY2Y3YS00YWY1LWE5MTktOGZhOTJmZGI1MmY1&hl=en&authkey=CNLY6agE
